Monday, April 16, 2012

More Radical Games

Thank you all for your contributions. Today we analysed some more radical games and tried to pinpoint the novelty and contribution of each one. This becomes very important when talking about your games and crucial when writing a research paper (somewhat like the relationship between identifying your game's core mechanic when giving an elevator pitch). The radical games discussed today were 'Ere Be Dragons (paper), Combiform (interview), Fingle (interview), Johann Sebastian Joust! (paper).

We also talked about why facing each other while playing games is important, and played a game of Cheat. Then we discussed the Designing for Critical Play paper and did an exercise on modifying and critically engaging with existing games.

Don't forget that your second radical game presentations are next week. Please have ready by next week the following.

  • Critical reflection on the class in the comments section below
  • A blog for your second game (post the URL and team members here)
  • Your abstract
  • A video of your radical game
  • Practice your presentation