Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lecture 12: 27May2010 Final demo night!!!!!!!

This was final demo night!!!!!!

Awesome games by everyone, fantastic fun, it was great to be part of so many creative ideas!
Thanks to all of you for joining every Thursday night, and thanks for creating, designing and developing such awesome exertion games! Everyone was really impressed!

If you post your webpages, your promotional pics and youtube videos here, I will collect them and make a nice demo out of it that you can send off to the press!

Thanks again for making this such an awesome time, I have learned a lot from you also, for which I would like to thank you very very much!
Keep up the good work,
your exertion gamer

Dark Horse Defender Nerf Game Webpage

Waterfall climber's webpage

Spongeoline's webpage

Pin the Tail's webpage

Peak Hour BMX's webpage

Team M's webpage

Team Nymphora's webpage

Team Popzat's webpage

Team M's webpage

Hardcore swimming team interviewed!

Nice interview by the hardcore swimming team:
Well done!