Thursday, March 4, 2010

Schedule 2010

Schedule of lectures:
04 Mar

  1. Physicality and Games
  2. Introduction cont.
  3. Contributions explained
11 Mar

  1. Exertion Games
  2. Why we play games (Group 1)
  3. Pervasive Games - Games and Pervasive Games Chapter 1: Talk about the "magic circle of play" (Group 2)

18 Mar

  1. Games project Madness
  2. How the Nintendo Wii will get you emotionally invested in video games (Group 3)
  3. Persuasive Games: Wii’s Revolution is in the Past (Group 4)
25 Mar

  1. Guest lecture
  2. Guest lecture
  3. Guest lecture
    8 Apr (1st Apr is semester break!)

    1. An overview of what physical games can be developed with Phidgets and Arduino (Group 5)
    2. Exertion Games over a Distance
    3. The potential of the Wiimote using homebrew techniques such as GlovePIE (Group 6)
    15 Apr

    1. Games project demonstration (Team A, B, C, D, E)
    2. Games project demonstration (Team F, G, H, I, J)
    3. Games project demonstration (Team K, L, M, N, O)
    22 Apr

    1. Dance Games and other Exergames: what the research says (Group 7)
    2. Exertion Games: additional benefits
    3. This might be a game ("dissertation" link, then PacManhattan chapter), tell us what you think of her analysis of PacManhattan  (Group 8)
    29 Apr

    1. A casual revolution (Pick one chapter, I suggest the 1st one) (Group 9)
    2. Dimensions for the Design of Exertion Games
    3. Persuasive Games: The Missing Social Rituals of Exergames (Group 10)
    6 May

    1. A theory of fun for game design, chapter 5: what games aren't (Group 11)
    2. Bringing it all together
    3. Flow in games (and everything else), explain how it relates to games such as flOw and what it can mean for exertion games (Group 12)
    13 May

    1. Game projects presentations (Team A, B, C, D, E)
    2. Game projects presentations
    3. Game projects presentations
    20 May

    1. Game projects presentations (Team F, G, H, I, J)
    2. Game projects presentations
    3. Game projects presentations
    27 May

    1. Game projects presentations (Team K, L, M, N, O)
    2. Game projects presentations
    3. Game projects presentations

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